NCSAM Day 21: Keep Up-To-Date with Technology and IT Trends

Corporate IT seems to be evolving at an ever increasing pace.  As security professionals who want to stay relevant and employed, it’s our duty to understand these changes.  For example, most organizations are in the process of migrating IT to the cloud.  However, as I’ve previously written, the cloud is not a magical place and requires an updated set of security skills and approaches.

I have no affiliation with O’Reilly, but my experience is that their Safari Books Online is about the most economical resource to help me stay current.  It’s about $300 per year, but provides access to many thousands of technical books, video tutorials, and conference recordings.  Videos of conferences such as Velocity, Strata, Fluent, The Artificial Intelligence Conference, OSCON, and others are a great way to get a view of the landscape, and you’ll find plenty of books to explore any particular area more deeply.

Another good place to get information is security conference videos.  Adrian Crenshaw maintains an extensive list of recorded conference presentations on his website here:

Anyone that has been in the IT security field for a while intuitively understands that there are concepts that apply regardless of technology, and that is certainly true, however understanding the technological and business shifts in the use of technology is necessary for us to stay relevant to our organizations.  In this industry, we cannot afford to stand still.  We must keep learning and growing, otherwise we will become marginalized and ignored in our organizations.

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