Thank you and My #infosec Hopes For 2019

I already published my ground-breaking infosec predictions for 2019, but I also want to say thank you to all the great people that I’ve had the privilege to work with and have met, even if only through social media.  I appreciate every one of you.

One of the things that I’ve come to learn about human behavior is that we tend to more consistently accomplish our goals if we make a commitment to others.  Here are the items I want to accomplish, or at least get started, in 2019:

  1. Reinvigorate the Defensive Security Podcast.  I’ve let myself become increasingly busy and the frequency of new episodes has suffered as a result.
  2. Develop my interest and passion about the intersection of behavioral economics/behavioral psychology and information security into something meaningful: a blog, a podcast, a book.  I don’t know what form this will take yet, but I believe there is a significant opportunity to advance the field of information security.
  3. Grow my previous efforts to help people enter the information security field.  I don’t know what form this will take yet, but in the past I’ve provided e-books and tried to match people looking for work with companies looking for employees, mostly via Twitter.
  4. Learn much more about cloud computing, SDN, and how to incorporate security and resiliency into these environments, as well as how to capitalize on the new capabilities these environments provide for security and resiliency.
  5. Develop an idea I have had around “componentizing” IT infrastructure designs, in a similar manner to “design patterns” for software development.  I wrote a bit about this in the past.  I don’t know what form this will take – maybe a wiki or something similar.
  6. Deliver a presentation, without completely panicking, at a conference.

Happy New Year, my friends!

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